The Volunteer Program is grounded in the belief that people should have an opportunity to be of service to their neighbours and their community.

Our program provides individuals, groups and organizations with the opportunity to become actively involved with their community and especially with people in need. For more information on how you can help, contact Jimmy our Community Relations Manager at (780) 408-2958 or via email at

“By volunteering with Operation Friendship, I feel that I am really helping these people, my neighbors, and that is the ultimate reward for any volunteer.”
– OFSS Volunteer


The work at Operation Friendship Seniors Society would not be possible without our amazing volunteers. Although volunteering in 2020 and 2021 looked different, we are so grateful for the volunteers who have continued to help OFSS by collecting bottles, following us on social media, participating in our Stocking Stuffers for Seniors or #Socktober initiatives, and providing meal supplies for our clients. Thank you volunteers for all you do to help support inner city seniors in our community!